

Matthew's campaign to unseat John "Do-Nothing" Fichter in 2004 is over. Though we convinced 45% of the voters that a fresh change was needed, we fell short of victory. Mr. Fichter was once again propped up by the Republican Party Leaders in Harrisburg and Philadelphia to protect his incumbency, so that he can serve a 7th term of inaction and obstruction, voting as the Party and its Special Interest financial sponsors tell him, rather than working for the best interests of the people.

But the fight is not over. This district needs new energy in its representation. Energy devoted to reducing suburban sprawl, increasing downtown revitalization, and reducing property taxes. Energy devoted to improving access to affordable health care, and providing Pennsylvania's children with the best education in the country.

If you agree with these priorities, we need YOU to consider volunteering to assist Dwayne Royster's campaign for this office in 2008.

Matthew's campaign proved that this seat can be won by a progressive candidate. Consider:

  • John Kerry won the 70th District in the 2004 Presidential Election.

  • Ed Rendell won the 70th District overwhelmingly in the 2002 Governor's race.

  • Mr. Fichter won re-election in 2004 by the third smallest margin of any incumbent Representative in the entire state of Pennsylvania, despite a district redrawn in 2001 specifically to keep the seat secure for him.

  • The Republican party registration advantage in the 70th district has been steadily declining over the past decade, and is on track to be completely eroded by 2006.

  • Gordon won in 14 of the 31 precincts in the district, including one in Mr. Fichter's own hometown, despite a party registration disadvantage there.

  • Netta Young Hughes came within about 100 votes of snagging this open seat from the Republicans after Fichter stepped down in 2006.
  • The trend in the district is moving dramatically towards a loss- The Repunblicans' support dropped 9 percentage points between 2002 and 2004, dropping from 64% in 2002, to only 55% in 2004, to barely 51 percent in 2006.
  • Democrats in Montgomery County finally have a registration advantage over Republicans in 2008 for the f iorst time in 100 years, and are close in the 70th District.

Matthew Gordon posed a stiff challenge to Mr. Fichter in 2004, despite severe disadvantages in funding, name recognition, and campaign organization. Fichter outspent Gordon by a factor of 6.25 to 1 to hold on to his seat. Mr. Fichter's campaign spent $64,000 compared to the Gordon campaign's total expenditures of $10,250.

If you share Matthew's priorities for the district, and agree that some fresh change is needed in Harrisburg, please consider supporting Dwayne Royster for this office in 2008 on the Democratic ticket.

Thank you!!

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