According to the Philadelphia Inquirer (August 31, 2005), John Fichter initially accepted his premature (and undeserved) pay raise by claiming it as an "unvouchered expense" in his August 1, 2005 paycheck. This "unvouchered expense" was clearly in violation of the state Constitution which forbids a legislator accepting a pay raise during the same term he voted for it. This "unvouchered expense" claim was also clearly FRAUDULENT in that it represented no actual "expense". Since John Fichter voted himself a raise from $69,647 (plus per diems, and benefits) to $85,100, this means that first month's paycheck would have been about $1,300 fatter. GIVE IT BACK, JOHN!
Call John Fichter at (610) 584-0070 or (717) 787-6423 and tell him to GIVE IT BACK! And while you're at it, ask him to support a rollback of the raise and to outlaw all future claims of "unvouchered expenses" by legislators!
Better yet, demand that John Fichter quit wasting our money and resign! He already "retired in place" years ago, introducing no legislation that has become law in many years. John, if you have no ideas on how to improve our state, then you shouldn't be sitting there lining your pockets with our money.