After voting to increase his pay almost 20% beyond the cost-of-living increase he already receives regularly, John "Do-Nothing" Fichter has added insult to injury by submitting fraudulent claims of "expenses", in order to collect his pay raise before the next election. The Pennsylvania Constitution explicitly forbids legislators from collecting a pay raise within the same term that it is voted on, so that the taxpayers and voters have the final say in whether he deserves the new salary. However, certain of our legislators and senators have conspired to allow themselves to dip into our Treasury early, by using a fraudulent loophole they call "unvouchered expenses" to collect their salary increase immediately.
Yes, I called it "FRAUDULENT". The "unvouchered expenses" that these men and women, including John "Do-Nothing" Fichter, are submitting do not represent any expenses whatsoever. They are a simple money grab, robbing the treasury based on a LIE. If someone claims reimbursement for an expense they did not incur, they are LYING and committing FRAUD. The definition of FRAUD, from Webster's Dictionary: "Deceit, trickery, specifically: a) Intentional perversion of truth in order to induce another to part with something of value or to surrender a legal right, b) an act of deceiving or misrepresenting." Whether their internal rules allow them to submit and receive payment for these knowingly phony undocumented expenses or not, it is clearly a FRAUD AGAINST THE TAXPAYER. It is particularly disgusting that a representative like John Fichter, who has yet to introduce a single bill this session, or even in his entire prior term, has the gall to rip off the taxpayer in this manner. SHAME!!!
I'd also like to note that, although State Senators Connie Williams and Stewart Greenleaf made the mistake of voting for the pay increase, they each have had the decency not to accept the FRAUDULENT unvouchered expenses. It is an absolute shame and a travesty that John "Do-Nothing" Fichter lacks the integrity to do the same.