Last week a report by a top Iraqi official noted that at least $8 billion of mostly American taxpayers' money went missing through corruption in Iraq. Note: this is only the amount that went missing AFTER it was handed to the Iraqis. Dozens of additional billions never even made it to Iraq, before being skimmed by Halliburton and other war profiteers. Meanwhile, Bush insists he needs hundreds of billions more to get "The Job" done in Iraq. To get a more concrete idea of how much money $8 billion is- It is enough money to buy oil to generate 2.5 billion gallons of gasoline, or roughly enough to supply every household in Skippack with enough gasoline to supply their needs for 350 years. OK, I admit it's hard to get such numbers across, but when one realizes that this money is being stolen by probably just a few people, the American people should be outraged. And what are we paying for? Torture of innocents, along with suspected insurgents. Barbaric hangings of the former leaders of Iraq by lynch mobs after ridiculous show trials by kangaroo courts of a government that hasn't even been fully formed yet. Brutal death squads run by the government police forces. Constant sectarian violence identified as civil war. Billions and bllions for "nation-building", and still no functioning public utilities after 4 years of occupation.
And, at home, we have a deceptive regime that refuses to be held accountable for ANYTHING, even to the point of refusing to testify under oath, claiming fear that they might be drawn into a "perjury trap". There could be no "perjury trap" if they weren't lying....but then again, these people know all about perjury traps, don't they? However, this time Congress isn't asking about their embarassing private behaviors- Congress is asking about things that have a direct bearing on the Constitutionality of their governance. Why do the Bushists believe they can't testify about their governmental work without lying? And, why do they think that should excuse them from testifying under oath?
Meanwhile, all Congress wants to do is set some non-binding timetable condition for US withdrawal before handing Bush another $100 billion to waste on needless bloodshed in Iraq by Bush's regime, which has proven to be both corrupt AND inept. On this I agree with Bush: Congress should NOT pose any future withdrawal conditions on the money for the Iraq war. If they do this, Bush can just attach another antiConstitutional signing statement saying he will ignore the law, and then, a year from now, ask for even more money and accuse Congress of treason and not supporting the troops, and frighten the cowardly Congress into doing his bidding again.
Instead of putting meaningless "conditions" on the money, which Bush shows no sign of honoring, Congress should quite simply deny him the money, which he has proven again and again and again to be mishandling. What more justification does Congress need than a report by Iraq's own government that proves they have been stealing the money? When will enough be enough?
For me, enough was enough on December 12, 2000, when Cheney, Bush, Rove, Baker, Hughes, O'Connor, and Scalia showed that this regime had no respect for the Constitution of the United States that they were sworn to uphold and protect. Since then, the Bushists have proven again and again that they feel they have a birthright to elite contol of all money and power on earth, with never even a tiny shred of accountability. Unfortunately, Congress has been cowed, and the rest of the country has been seduced, by a PR campaign of lies and trickery.