George W Bush continues to play the Democrats like a cheap violin. He has decided to double-down on his bet with American money and lives by throwing more troops into harm's way in Iraq. Bush knows that, even with both Democrats and Republicans in Congress agreeing it's an indefensible "plan" (and I use the term loosely), they are all too cowardly to use their only tool- stopping the flow of funds- for fear of being accused of "not supporting our troops". They pass useless resolutions saying they are against his plans- but they continue to fund them.
RIGHT NOW, AND ONLY RIGHT NOW, Congress has a last chance to say to Bush:
"WE WILL NOT FUND YOUR ILL-CONCEIVED WAR ANY FURTHER. If you choose to send troops into harm's way, knowing that you will not receive this funding, then YOU are the one who is not supporting our troops."
"We will no longer be cowed by you into rushing into war, spending our money, without fully debating these plans. You have not earned our trust these past 6 years, especially with your capacity as Commander-in-Chief. You do not deserve a rubber stamp, 2nd class Congress any more. We will not play this game with our soldiers' lives. It does our soldiers no favor to fund this ill-conceived and ill-run war that has only served to increase the bloodshed and the threat of terror throughout the world."
"You are the decider, Mr. President. It is your choice. We do not support this 'surge' of troops, and we will put our money where our mouth is by not funding it."
DO THE RIGHT THING. Congress doesn't need to pass meaningless, non-binding resolutions. They don't need to ask for a cap on troops, or a timeline, which Bush will not honor- because he knows they won't make him. They need to tell Bush that they won't fund the war any further and that Bush needs to come back with a plan that they can support, if Bush wants Congress's support.