Letter I sent to Newsweek today:
Dear editor:
Gerald Ford's public career was marked by a series of obstructions of justice, from his role on the Warren Commission, through his enabling of the Watergate cover-up (as Congressman, squashing hearings into the source of the burglars' "freshly-printed $100 bills"), to his pardon of Nixon. Your articles suggest that Ford should now finally be appreciated as being both centrally important to current political philosophy, and as being wisely forward-thinking by his supposed "healing" actions for our country. You can't have it both ways. He may have indeed helped bring us where we are, but where we are is not where we should be. By actively allowing murderers, criminals, and liars to escape justice, he did our country a great disservice. His actions have led directly to a current Administration that holds itself above the law, abuses its power, obstructs justice, subverts the election process, ignores the will of the people, shrouds its actions in secrecy, personally attacks its political enemies, rewards its political friends at taxpayers' expense, and is disdainful of the Constitution, Congress and foreign governments, all without fear of being held to account. His unwanted and unnecessary "healing" left some very nasty scars.
Matthew Gordon