OCTOBER 2, 2006
My household received about a half-dozen glossy campaign mailings from Jim Gerlach between June and September, all printed and mailed at the expense of taxpayers, in an illegal abuse of his "franking" privileges as a US Congressman. These obvious campaign literature mailings no doubt cost hundreds of thousands of dollars- more than he brags about bringing home to his district for open space preservation in his latest mailing. His franked campaign literature was clearly excessively political and partisan- and there is no evidence it was approved by Congress' franking commission- yet he mailed out piece after glossy piece, illegally. Yet, unbelievably, he is busy filing complaints with the FEC, accusing his opponent, without any evidence, of violating campaign mailing laws.
The more I see of him, the more I am convinced that the man is pure sleaze. His own hometown newspaper questioned his integrity, asking how we could trust this man after his scandalous behavior. He keeps accusing Lois Murphy of running a "hate-filled" campaign, yet all the hate is spewing from his side, with frothing and bogus accusations against Lois Murphy.
This past month, Gerlach even voted AGAINST implementing all of the recommendations of the 9/11 Commission. Ask him why. The answer is because the bill was sponsored by Democrats! So much for being "OUR CONGRESSMAN"! He's a party hack, pure and simple.
Gerlach is not "OUR CONGRESSMAN". Gerlach is YOUR congressman only if you are a hate-spewing right-wing Bushist extremist. Gerlach is responsible for supporting the Bush policy of "SIT AND BLEED" to guard Halliburton's war profiteering in Iraq. Gerlach has supported the Bush policy of condoning torture of innocent people- YES, INNOCENT PEOPLE! NOT JUST TERRORISTS!- in our name, against the recommendations of military commanders. Gerlach supports the Bush policy of allowing the President all powers above the law to wiretap and spy on anyone, secretly, on his own say-so, -EVEN INCLUDING MERE POLITICAL OPPONENTS- without any oversight whatsoever! Gerlach is so indebted to Bush for holding on to his seat that he would be willing to give away our precious rights as Americans, to create a dictatorship and police state under the guise of the "Global War on Terror"!
Speaking of the War on Terror, Condi Rice continues to dissemble regarding her ineptitude and incompetence as Director of the National Security Agency in the months leading up to 9/11/01. The latest is a denial that George Tenet of the CIA warned her of an attack at least 2 months before 9/11, and she brushed him off. Now she says she "doesn't recall" any such warning. She also has claimed that Clinton left no strategic plan for combatting al Qaeda when Bush took office, despite documentation from JANUARY 25, 2001, that clearly states that such a plan was left. (See top of page 3 of this memo to Condi Rice, which she received just 5 days after taking office and ignored despite repeated pleas for the next 200 days! The urgent meeting that was requested on January 25, 2001 was not held until September 4, 2001. The reason? Again, because the plan came from a Democrat! CRIMINAL!)
We need checks and balances in Congress and the Senate. I pray that Pennsylvania will lead the charge in dumping these weak partisan yes-men like Gerlach and Santorum so that we can have true independent and smart leadership that truly values American security and liberty above petty politics.