As far as plagiarism goes, a look at Jim Gerlach's public speeches over the past few years shows that they have been essentially lifted from George W. Bush's speeches over the same period. For example, here's a winner of a "Gerlach" quote:
"By ending the Hussein regime, the United States has taken away yet another incubator of terrorism." -Jim Gerlach
Boy that sounds familiar. Oh yeah, that's what George Bush has been saying. Why would Jim Gerlach take credit for this speech? Is he a PLAGIARIST? It's especially odd that Gerlach would crib this line from Bush, in light of the fact that there seems to be a far greater incubator of terrorism in Iraq NOW than before we invaded.
"The Hussein regime established significant and numerous ties with terrorist organizations like al Qaeda for over a decade prior to September 11, 2001."
Jim Gerlach
Again, that sounds familiar. Oh yeah, that's what George Bush kept saying in the run-up to the war. In fact, this claim has been proven false again and again, including by the bi-partisan 9-11 Commission. Why would Jim Gerlach take credit for this speech? Is he a PLAGIARIST?
"The Hussein regime's support for terrorism, within and outside of its borders, its appetite for the world's most dangerous weapons, and its openly declared hostility to the United States were a combination that was a gathering and growing danger to our country."
Jim Gerlach
"Gathering"? Oh yeah! that's the word George used so that he could claim he never said the threat was "imminent", when everyone would eventually discover that he was lying about the threat of WMD. Why would Jim Gerlach take credit for this speech? Is he a PLAGIARIST?
"In addition, it is very likely that United States action in Iraq caused Iran to open its nuclear facilities for international inspection and suspend its uranium enrichment activities. "
Jim Gerlach
Uh, Jim, I remember George Bush saying that one too. Unfortunately, it turned out it was a little too early for you and George to take credit for that one. It turns out Iran has actually closed its facilities to inspectors and seems to be going full steam ahead on uranium enrichment. Why would Jim Gerlach take credit for this speech? Is he a PLAGIARIST?
At least when Lois Murphy "plagiarizes", she gets her facts straight, for the good of the people, and promises accountability.
When Jim Gerlach "plagiarizes", it seems to be for false propaganda purposes to send our children off to die so that we can make Halliburton's CEO a few billion dollars richer.
I'll take Lois Murphy's "plagiarism" any day!