It is clear that Jim Gerlach is a mean-spirited conservative in the Bush mode, who talks phony "compassion" to the cameras, but does the work of the Bush billionaires behind the scenes. Dump Gerlach. You will be glad you did.
Those of us in Jim Gerlach's 6th US Congressional District can expect a series of taxpayer-funded mailings this campaign year portraying Jim Gerlach as a "moderate" and an "independent". There will be pretty pictures of Gerlach in front of green hills, with smiling senior citizens, admiring children, and concerned fire fighters. But voters should know that whenever it counts, Gerlach has been right there with the George W Bush program of soaking the middle class to enrich the billionaires, at great cost to our seniors, workers, children, environment and freedoms.
But don't believe me: Check out his ratings with various independent public interest groups, and remember that anything under 60 is a FAILING grade:
GERLACH GETS "F MINUS" FOR CHILDREN: Representative Gerlach supported the interests of the Children's Defense Fund a cruel 0 percent in 2005.
GERLACH GETS AN "F" FOR SERVING THE NEEDY: 2005 Representative Gerlach supported the interests of the NETWORK, A National Catholic Social Justice Lobby 17 percent in 2005.
GERLACH GETS AN "F" FOR SENIOR CITIZENS: Representative Gerlach supported the interests of the Alliance for Retired Americans a shockingly low 38 percent in 2004.
GERLACH GETS AN "F" FOR OUR VETERANS: 2004 Representative Gerlach supported the interests of the Disabled American Veterans an alarming 0 percent in 2004.
GERLACH GETS AN "F" FOR THE ENVIRONMENT: 2005 Representative Gerlach supported the interests of the League of Conservation Voters a dismal 56 percent in 2005.
GERLACH GETS AN "F" FOR WOMEN's HEALTH: 2003-2004 Representative Gerlach supported the interests of the National Breast Cancer Coalition 0 percent in 2003-2004.
GERLACH GETS AN "F MINUS" FOR CONSUMERS: Representative Gerlach supported the interests of the Public Citizen's Congress Watch an outrageous 0 percent in 2003-2004.
GERLACH GETS AN F FOR WORKING AMERICANS: Representative Gerlach supported the interests of the AFL-CIO 14 percent in 2004.
GERLACH GETS AN "F" FOR FREEDOM: Representative Gerlach supported the interests of the American Civil Liberties Union a shameful 20 percent in 2003-2004.
GERLACH GETS AN "F" FOR AFRICAN-AMERICANS: Representative Gerlach supported the interests of the National Association for the Advancement of Colored People a saddening 39 percent in 2005.
GERLACH GETS AN "F MINUS" FOR ARAB-AMERICANS: Representative Gerlach supported the interests of the Arab American Institute a disgraceful 0 percent in 2004.
GERLACH GETS AN "F" FOR HISPANIC AMERICANS: Representative Gerlach supported the interests of the League of United Latin American Citizens a pathetic 28 percent in 2003-2004.
GERLACH GETS AN "F" FOR OUR SCHOOLS: 2003-2004 Representative Gerlach supported the interests of the National Parent Teacher Association an incredibly low 8 percent in 2003-2004.
GERLACH GETS AN "F" FOR OUR SCHOOL DISTRICTS: 2003-2004 Representative Gerlach supported the interests of the National School Boards Association a poor 40 percent in 2003-2004.
GERLACH GETS AN "F" FOR OUR TEACHERS: 2003-2004 Representative Gerlach supported the interests of the National Education Association an awful 30 percent in 2003-2004.
GERLACH GETS AN "F" FOR PEACE: Representative Gerlach supported the interests of the Friends Committee on National Legislation a distressing 27 percent in 2003-2004.
GERLACH GETS AN "F MINUS" FOR HANDGUN SAFETY: Representative Gerlach supported the interests of the Coalition to Stop Gun Violence an absurdly low 0 percent in 2003.
GERLACH GETS AN "F" FOR PUBLIC HEALTH: 2004 Representative Gerlach supported the interests of the American Public Health Association 38 percent in 2004.
It is clear that Jim Gerlach is a mean-spirited conservative in the Bush mode, who talks phony "compassion" to the cameras, but does the work of the Bush billionaires behind the scenes. Dump Gerlach. You will be glad you did.