John Fichter (Republican, representative of PA's 70th House District), Jacqueline Crahalla (Republican, representative of PA's 150th House District), and Raymond Bunt (Republican, representative of PA's 147th House District) have each announced that they have agreed to abandon their offices in 2006. The have been driven from office in shame after their fraudulent expense claims and money-grab exposed their corrupt characters. Each of these candidates voted for an absurd 25 to 40% pay increase BEYOND their guaranteed cost-of-living adjustments, and then FRAUDULENTLY began claiming their pay raise in advance of that allowed by the Constitution, as unvouchered (that is, fraudulent) "expenses". Fichter and Bunt have each been in office for over 12 years and yet have been documented as enemies to the environment (see chart in October 31, 2005 Gordo-Blog entry) and have accomplished nothing of substance through their lengthy terms.

I am very pleased and excited that Olivia Brady has stepped up to serve the 150th district by announcing her campaign for Crahalla's seat. Olivia is a person of unassailable integrity, who cares deeply about this district and who I believe will make the finest representative this county has seen. In her role on Borough Council for Norristown, including service as President, she has had a central role in rooting out the corruption of the now-indicted Republican Mayor and imprisoned former Council members. She is a tough fiscal conservative, making the tough decisions necessary to put Norristown back on sound financial footing after the irresponsible, immoral and illegal political looting that went on before she took office. Olivia has dived heroically into the hard work of cleaning up corruption, gaining bipartisan support, and steadily bringing Norristown back from hopelessness to revitalization. Norristown's problems with jobs, crime, housing, and budgets have not been easy to solve, and there is much work to be done. Olivia's hard work, coupled with the inherent strength and dedication of the responsible Norristown community, are making great strides that have been recognized throughout the region and the state.
Not only has Olivia been a strong and tough councilperson on behalf of Norristown, but her character, integrity, compassion and dedication to issues facing Montgomery County residents make her the ideal choice for the suburban and rural parts of the district. She understands the importance of a vibrant local economy for small businesses, low taxes, strong public and private schools, affordable healthcare options, and environmental and open space porotection. Olivia is an honest and sincere woman, committed to improving the quality of life throughout the 150th district, Montgomery County, and Pennsylvania. Our county will be a better place for all of us to live when she is elected to the State legislature this November.
For more information about Olivia, or to join her campaign, please visit her web site at http://www.bradyforpa.org. She can use your help right away during the petition drive to get her name on the ballot between February 14 and March 7.
More info to come shortly on the candidates for the 70th District, and other open seats and challenges in the area!