There has always been something that struck me as profoundly decent and good about firefighters. These are people that seek no glory, but feel compelled to run into burning buildings to save people. The firefighters I have known seem to always be very humble, soft-spoken people, and yet they always seem ready to perform heroic feats without a second thought. John Kulick was a 35-year-old firefighter- the assistant fire marshal with the Whitpain company- and lived in Harleysville within the 70th district. After 9/11, he signed up to join the PA National Guard, and was tragically killed yesterday along with others in his squad on patrol in Iraq. We are all poorer for his loss here in Montgomery County. My heart goes out to him and his family, especially the 9-year-old daughter, Amanda Mae, that he leaves behind. I am sure that, despite his tragically shortened life, as a dedicated firefighter and soldier he left a strong example for her of service and sacrifice to his fellow man that should inspire her for the rest of her life. I hope that she will grow up in a more peaceful world.